Vidrio turns the webcam off when not showing it

Vidrio has a slider which determines the opacity of the displayed webcam feed. You can slide this to 0%; this is identical to there being no webcam feed at all. In this situation, Vidrio should turn off the webcam feed and remove the overlay from the desktop. I can later implement pause/unpause on top of this: just set the opacity to 0%.

This was pretty simple:

var captureSession:AVCaptureSession!
// ...
if opacity == 0 {
    if captureSession.isRunning {
} else {
    if !captureSession.isRunning {

Actually, the stopRunning and startRunning methods seem to be idempotent, so you can just do:

var captureSession:AVCaptureSession!
// ...
if opacity == 0 {
} else {

I find the initial version clearer, so I went for that.

I wrote this because I want Vidrio to have a pause/unpause feature. This is a precursor. This post is my own, and not associated with my employer.

Jim. Public speaking. Friends. Vidrio.